when x=1 then 'say 'What did the blonde say when asked if she wanted to be a Jehovah Witness? - Gee, I didn't even see the accident.'
when x=2 then 'say What do you get when you have 20 blondes in the freezer? - Frosted Flakes.'
when x=3 then 'say What do blondes and computers have in common? - You don't know how much you appreciate them until they go down on you.'
when x=4 then 'say What's a blondes favorite drink? - The next one.'
when x=5 then 'say Why do animals put their noses in blondes crotch? - Because they can.'
when x=6 then 'say What did the postcard from the blonde say? - Having a great time. Where am I?'
when x=7 then 'say How does a blonde turn on the lights after sex? - She opens the car door.'
when x=8 then 'say What do you call a brunette between 2 blondes? - The interpreter.'
when x=9 then 'say How many big busted blondes does it take to change a light bulb? - As many as you can get.'
when x=10 then 'say What''s the difference between a blonde and a puppy? - After six months a puppy stops whining.'
when x=11 then 'say This blonde was so dumb - that she had to take off her blouse to count to two.'
when x=12 then 'say The most expensive thing in the world is a blonde - who is free for the night.'
when x=13 then 'say Why did GOD invent Orgasms? - So blondes will know when you''re through.'
when x=14 then 'say Why are women amazing? - They give milk without eating hay, bleed without being cut and bury bones without digging holes.'
when x=15 then 'say This blonde is so dumb - She doesn''t realize that you can play the AM radio in the afternoon.'
when x=16 then 'say Why don''t blondes take hot showers? - It fogs up the mirrors.'
when x=17 then 'say Why do blondes wear shoulder pads? - So they don''t hurt themselves when they talk (move head sideways).'
when x=18 then 'say How do you drown a blonde? - Put a mirror in the bottom of the pool.'
when x=19 then 'say Why did the blonde get turned down for auto insurance? - She was getting rear-ended too much.'
when x=20 then 'say How do blondes hold their liquor? - By their ears.'
when x=21 then 'say Why don''t blondes play frisbee? - It hurts their teeth.'
when x=22 then 'say Why are blonde jokes so short? - So blondes will understand them.'
when x=23 then 'say What do you call an intelligent blonde? - A Golden Retriver.'
when x=24 then 'say What does a blonde say after you blow in her ear? - Thanks for the refill.'
when x=25 then 'say Why don''t blondes take coffee breaks? - Because it takes them too long to retrain them.'
when x=26 then 'say What does a blonde say after sex? - Are all of you on the same team.'
when x=27 then 'say What does a blonde say after finding out she''s pregnant? - Gee, I hope it''s mine.'
when x=28 then 'say What do you call a blonde with half a brain? - Gifted.'
when x=29 then 'say Why do blondes wear green lipstick? - Because red means stop.'
when x=30 then 'say Why is it good to have a blonde passenger? - Because you can park in the handicapped spots.'
when x=31 then 'say Why do blondes wear panties? - To keep their ankles warm.'
when x=32 then 'say Why do blondes wear so much hairspray? - So they can catch all the things going over their head.'
when x=33 then 'say What is a blonde''s mating call? - I''m so drunk.'
when x=34 then 'say What is a brunette''s mating call? - Are all the blondes gone.'
when x=35 then 'say How do you make a blonde laugh on Friday? - Tell her a joke on Thursday.'
when x=36 then 'say Why do blondes have T.G.I.F. on their shoes? - Toes Go In First!'
when x=37 then 'say Why did the blonde have square boobs? - She forgot to take the kleenex out of the box.'
when x=38 then 'say How do you put a sparkle in a blondes eyes? - Shine a flashlight in her ear.'
when x=39 then 'say What is the most used 4 letter word by a blonde? - NEXT!'
when x=40 then 'say How many blondes does it take to screw in a lightbulb? - One, she holds it in the socket and waits for the world to revolve around her'
when x=41 then 'say Between which two toes is a girl the most ticklish? - The two big ones!'
when x=42 then 'say Why did the blonde go to Hollywood? - She wanted to make love under the stars.'